Benday dots are a technique Lichtenstein used to create a kind of half tone effect in his work. I aim to emulate this pattern in my About Me piece so I have been looking at ways to achieve this effect. I had some difficulty, ironically, producing this in Photoshop but had some success with a program called GIMP, an open source version of the Adobe package. I should be able to emulate this in PS but here is a sample of what I did in GIMP:
This would be the basis for a colour halftone which I will layer into the piece to give that comic book feel. I noticed that Lichtenstein normally uses it in his comic book works without giving it any kind of gradient as he is interested in the abstract composition of the space more than creating any kind of perspective or depth to the image. I will aim for the same feel to my work.
Labels: Benday dots, Lichtenstein, self portrait